TIPS and TRICKS for NEWBIES – flat two-drop even-count peyote - part 2

CONTINUATION: flat two-drop even-count peyote

  • continue till the end of the row, to where your needle exits the very first two beads you strung
  • which means, the tail thread and the work thread meet each other at the end of row 3
  • keep the tension in your thread by sliding the thread behind your ring finger

flat two-drop even-count peyote - end 3rd row

  • when looking at the top of your workpiece, you will see only two colors, which in this case makes it easy to decide what color you need to add

flat two-drop even-count peyote - add 3rd color

  • to make a U-turn pick up 2 new beads, skip 2 beads and pass the needle through the 2 last beads you added in the previous row

flat two-drop even-count peyote - make U-turn

  • to end a thread and to start a new one, zigzag through your piece by going through 2 beads at a time
  • when finished, remove the stop bead

Enjoy your creation ... and buy your beads @ !

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